The Saint Joseph's Crowd with Archbishop Vlazny at the Cathedral
In my last blog entry, I mentioned how my relationship with Christ is getting deeper and deeper in so many aspects and how the family is also going through the same sort of thing. This past Sunday was no exception! Brian, Carissima, David and Mary were "sent off" along with the other catechumens and candidates from Saint Joseph's to visit Saint Mary's Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception for the rite of election.
We started the morning with Mass as everyone's sponsor/godparent attended to answer Father Todd's questions pertaining to everyone being ready to continue on in their journey in becoming Catholic. Following Mass, in what we are finding is a joyful Catholic tradition, we had a feast to celebrate the "sending off"! A buffet of lunchmeat, cheeses, bread, salads, chips, fruit and desserts were enjoyed by all. I decided to add to the celebration by bringing a new recipe of a gluten-free brownie~ especially for Cari, but also foreveryone who wanted to try them (recipe on blog above)! Now, you need to remember that it is Lent, so why in the world would there be a celebration meal during this time? I have found out that the Catholic church (as well as some other denominations) do not count Sundays as part of the Lenten season, but rather as a day of "resurrection celebration", therefore, the brownies and other goodies were totally appropriate for the celebration luncheon!
Cari with
After a time of resting at home as well as a time to skype with Joshua for a bit, we all got ready to head up to Portland for the evening. With a very capable Rolando behind the wheel of the church van, we made it up to Saint Mary's without a hitch. What a wonderful time it was with Archbishop John Vlazny celebrating the Rite and the Cathedral being packed to the gills with catechumens, candidates, sponsors, godparents and family members!
The Archbishop was quite a good sport to stand for quite a while
with a big smile on his face as so many people wanted photos with him~ including all of us!
Mary with Archbishop Vlazny
David's turn with the Archbishop
The kids were really excited, and both Cari
& David have theirs as the photo on their Facebook status. The journey just keeps getting deeper and deeper for all of us as Brian and all of the kids prepare to join the church on Easter. As we find time this Lent to pray, fast, give alms, reflect, ponder, read, go to Mass, talk, spend time in the Adoration Chapel, go to the Abbey, listen to inspirational music...the list is almost endless~ I pray one of these things will draw you closer and deeper in the next 33 days.
(who is STILL
smiling~ he is
such a nice man)
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