This year for Lent, I'm taking part in Catholic Sistas Instagram Photo a Day Challenge. It's been very thought provoking this far as I am supposed to take photos representing their word of the day. I've actually used some of David's photos too as he seems to have his phone at the ready more than I do. I want to also be sure to try to write some of my reflections this Lent, if for nothing else, to keep me thinking about more than myself and what's going on in my life.
So here's the first five days:
Day 1- Dust
Mary and I went to 7 a.m. Mass as she had school in the morning and I was going to work at my mom's. Father Holden imposed ashes on me. He did a pretty good job since they ended up lasting for the entire day, reminding me from dust I had come and to dust I would return (singing alleluia, alleluia).
Day 2-Virtue
David shaved his head into a mohawk for an Ash Wednesday penance. I know some people wouldn't think that's a big deal, but for a kid who can be a bit obsessive about how his hair looks, it made a difference for him.
Day 3-Test
This is a close up of a beautiful and tender print that Joshua owns. To me it shows the ultimate test of a mother's love. When I start to think of how much I love my kids, I realize it is nothing compared to the love our Blessed Mother had for her Son and how it really shows in this piece.
Day 4-Faith
Just a snippet of the collection we have amassed of amazing books by Catholic authors. We've got a whole bookshelf, but there are two more full up in the boys' room (I can't really claim them since they do belong to Josh and David, but I can read them). It's so much fun finding books that help us to grow in our Faith, and I'd love to have enough to fill up more shelves!
Day 5-Eucharist
David and 14 classmates from Christendom headed up to The Bronx yesterday for a week-long missions trip working with the Fransican Friars do the Renewal. This was a photo of David's he sent me today of their chapel. Please pray for the kids and the time they will be spending working alongside these amazing friars while helping some of our nation's poorest folks!
For more great photos, visit @CatholicSistas on Instagram!