Joshua's official application photo |
David and some of his SCF students at his going away party |
Mary and I are looking forward to getting to take him to school, not to mention the vacation we'll be having as we visit Washington D.C., the Shenandoah Valley and Baltimore!
I remember when the kids were younger, older moms would say to me, "enjoy them now because the time will fly by, and sooner than you think they'll be gone." I would usually smile and thank them, not often taking their words to heart.
Now that our summer is just about gone, I hope my kids think we did take the time to do some fun stuff over the last few months. We did get a camping trip in as well as fireworks on 4th of July. We made it to the beach and had one fire pit time in the yard. There were many nights of laughter and music and good food and beverages. The annual Feast of the Nativity of John the Baptist was held as were birthday and going away parties. Yes, the time flew by quickly, but memories were made. Hopefully, they will be something to last through the next 4 1/2 months while the boys are at school before we are all together again at Christmas. Be sure to hug your spouse and your kids today and enjoy each moment with them as it happens, no matter how much more summer you may have.